Mission Union School District

Every child can and will succeed if we all work together to make it happen”


"Our mission is to provide every student enrolled at Mission School access to a challenging and comprehensive curriculum presented by a passionate and dynamic staff in a learning environment that emphasizes enthusiasm, responsibility, and respect. 

We are dedicated to the principle that what is taught here is not an education...but the means by which to become educated."

24~25 Mission Bell Schedule updated espinoza .docx

Staff members of the month for January: 

Ms. N. Bahena in Kindergarten and Ms. Leonor Rodriguez, our custodian

February's Principal Luncheon Winners 

Kinder~Ryder Rios 

1st~Jaydee Arredondo 

2nd~Clara Guerrero 

3rd~Quinn Grainger 

4th~Aaron Barajas  

  5th~Melody Villanueva 

6th~Camila Aguilar 

7th~Justin Lopez 

8th~David Zavala  

Guidance on Protocols for Covid

                                                                                                                            click below:


 CDC Guidance on Norovirus  Click Below:


2023_Comprehensive_School_Safety_Plan_Mission_Union_Elementary_School_District_20240228 (1).pdf

SAFETY PLAN 2023-24 

Public Health Guidance for K-12 Schools and Child Care Settings to Support Safe In-Person Services and Mitigate the Spread of Communicable Diseases, 2023-2024 School Year

Health Guidance 2023-24 

LH~ 2024~2025 Mission Union Parent_Student Handbook.pdf

  Student Parent Handbook 2024~2025

Check out additional news, including the Public Review Draft IS/MND for the Mission Union School Water System Improvements project, at: https://www.missionusd.org/news 

Mission School Water System Public Review Draft ISMND 05202024.pdf
Mission 2024-25 LCAP.pdf